
Dynagraph Documents

Users Guides and API documentation

Dynagraph Manual. Describes the incrface language and command-line parameters, and contains rudimentory information on the Dynagraph for Grappa and Dynagraph for Windows front-ends.

Technical Papers

Visual navigation through large directed graphs and hypergraphs (2006), by Jason Eisner, Michael Kornbluh, Gordon Woodhull, Raymond Buse, Samuel Huang, Constantinos Michael, and George Shafer
Brief description of the Dynasty large graph browser.

On-line Hierarchical Graph Drawing (2001), by Stephen C. North and Gordon Woodhull
Describes the DynaDAG algorithms.

Graphviz and Dynagraph – Static and Dynamic Graph Drawing Tools (2003), by John Ellson, Emden R. Gansner, Eleftherios Koutsofios, Stephen C. North, and Gordon Woodhull
Contains a brief overview of Dynagraph and its algorithms.

Montage – an ActiveX Container for Dynamic Interfaces (1998), by Stephen C. North and Gordon Woodhull
Describes the libraries which provide Windows/OLE functionality in Dynagraph for Windows.